? ??????????????My Fire Inside? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.8 (34 Ratings)??3503 Grabs Today. 39316 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Eternal Love? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (58 Ratings)??2262 Grabs Today. 36884 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

About Me

My name is Maegan. I am stubborn and outspoken. I am a farm girl. I love to read. I am a Christian and a student. I am a writer and a sports fanatic. I am a daughter, a sister, and a good man's "girl". I am a terrible cook. I'm not a flowers-and-candy kind of lady. I appreciate honesty and understanding.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bloggers Beware of Bashing Big Timers

               Bloggers Beware of Bashing Big Timers
by: Maegan Hensley

                From what I've read Liskula Cohen is searching for justice something akin to finding a needle in a haystack. The story in a nutshell, goes something like this: Liskula Cohen is a Vogue model who has been in the media with unrelated drama previously. An anonymous blogger posted a personal opinion within a personal blog and mud was thrown. I found one particular article on http://www.nydaileynews.com/ very interesting pertaining to this case. Writer Jose Martinez depicted the scene as an all out battle between a vicious model and her unadoring "fan". This article claims that bashing comments like "skank" and "hag" were used by the blogger to describe the model. Cohen took  such offense to this "bash blog", she hired lawyers to lean on the Google corporation in order to reveal the hater-girl's identity.
                        " The defamation suit, filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, seeks a court order compelling Google and its Blogger.com service to identify whoever led the vicious Internet assault against Cohen" (Martinez, Staff Reporter).
           Although this occurence would surely be unsettling to a model, or anyone for that matter; it is unrealistic, in my opinion, to chase after the ones who seek to hurt you with their words. It is wrong to be the kind of person who dwells on the fortune of others and chooses to use painful and demeaning ways to degrade complete strangers. The reality though, is that those people exist. They are there regardless of what is right and what is wrong; regardless of morals and scruples, they will still be entitled to their opinions. The very best lawyers could present the most convincing case against this anonymous blogger and still...no matter what he or she posted...it is her right to speak, type, scream, sing and yes, even Blog her opinion. While I don't agree with the kind of action behind creating blogs for the sole purpose to degrading another person, I cannot help but feel like there are greater, more eminent crimes being committed at the present. Google should not have had to give up the identity of the blogger who put her trust in that company's claim to stand behind her site, the day she signed up. Rosemary Port was named as the blogger bashing Liskula Cohen. Port has filed a case herself against Google for defiling her rights to privacy. And so..the endless cycle goes..
             To Liskula - I'm sorry that this has happened to you. No one likes to hear negative things about themselves, whether they hold truth or not. However, by attaching yourself to this case so directly, demanding the cooperation Blogger and Google, you are asking that they jeopardize the privacy contracts in  which their entire corporation depend on. the opinion of one person should not matter so entirely that you cannot live with yourself without bringing her down. What's that old saying?.... "That's show biz". You're not the first or last person in the media with a fan club drinking hater-ade.

* This report, excluding one sited quote, is written completely in my own words. It is a report that was written after reading numerous articles and blogs about the Liskula Cohen case. It is written in a personal fashion that flows like my thoughts tend to. The information about the case is introduced and my drawn conclusions and opinions follow. The websites I used in reference were:



