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About Me

My name is Maegan. I am stubborn and outspoken. I am a farm girl. I love to read. I am a Christian and a student. I am a writer and a sports fanatic. I am a daughter, a sister, and a good man's "girl". I am a terrible cook. I'm not a flowers-and-candy kind of lady. I appreciate honesty and understanding.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tiny Dancer

I am a full-time Paraprofessional for a child with Asperger's Syndrome. I work at small rural school, which happens to be the same one I attended as a child. This school is within the little community I live in and it is very dear to my heart. For the better part of a year, I have been in a second grade classroom on a daily basis. This job has definitly opened my eyes to worlds I'd never known:

Asperger's Syndrome by definition is a developmental disorder that affect's a child's ability to socialize and communicte effectively with others. Children who have Asperger's usually deal with social situations in a very awkward or uncomfortable way. They tend to be sensitive to loud noises or big crowds and often have one-sided conversations or talk to themselves. Asperger's kids show eccentric or obsessive behavior about certain things (usually whatever interests or intimidates them).
Asperger's sydrome is in the Autistic spectrum but is considered on the higher-functioning end.

Bailey is the little girl I take care of. She is the sweetest, most loving child I've ever known and that is no exaggeration. A few things about Bailey:
She won't look you in the eye.
She trips over her own feet..a lot.
She is deathly afraid of mirrors and aviods them at all costs.
She loves animals..especially her dog Charcoal.
She is in the second grade and reads at a high school level.
She is in the second grade and can complete 6th and 7th grade math.
She won't eat food that touches other food on her plate.
She won't play with Barbies because she doesn't understand them.
She has a daily routine that has to happen otherwise we have a major meltdown. She  can't skip a problem and come back to it.
I had known about Asperger's Sydrome for a long time but I was never really Aware of it until this last year. There are so many little quirks to this disease and it can be very complex to understand even the tiniest of problems going on with children who deal with it. During my time with Bailey, I have done extensive research on this particular sydrome in order to better understand what she and and her family are experiencing. I had no idea that it could be such a challenge and I truly do commend those who deal with this disease, whether personally experiencing it or raising a child who has it. These children are special...in such a way that words do them no justice. I had no idea how attached I could get to someone who supposedly has no feelings and shows no emotions. She loves more purely than anyone of less afflicted mind could possibly. She enjoys life more than others who waste it away worrying about unimportant things. She is not afraid to say anything or hurt anyone's feelings. She is free and uninhibited.

While the second grade class is lined up on the sidewalk....the line is straight and the kids are silent....she is the one in the back on the line...slightly behind the rest although she doesn't care...she's dancing and singing a song no one knows. She smiles at the world.